Jean Lewuillon was an inspiration in the world of Morse Code to many with his energy, enthusiasm, vision, and principles. He was an example to all telegraphists around the world in upholding the high standards of friendship, politeness and good operating practices, in a time when such standards are in decline. Jean convincingly educated us about the unacceptable practice of split pile up operations and the dishonest and dry "599" exchange without a kind word.
Jean was our strong ally and leader in the effort to keep human telegraphy free from the onslaught of computers for which telegraphy is not a suitable code, while being a very suitable code for the human brain and ear. He will be greatly missed by all true telegraphists. Jean was an inspiration in many of our ideas and efforts to ensure the health of human telegraphy.
From a rare white area on the map, Jean was the sole telegraphist in Mauritania, and one of the few in Africa in this era. In spite of the popularity of 5T0JL and the wishes of many to use the ways of cheating to obtain a contact with this rare "DX" country, Jean politely insisted on the real human contact and he set the standards for DX stations world wide, the campaign for these standards that we pledge to continue.
Although I did not know you long Jean, you left a lasting impression on me, Louis, formerly the world's youngest ships radio officer and a fellow lover of radio telegraphy. We are grateful to you and your family for the time that you spent with us mentoring us, advising and assisting us, and giving us much pleasure in our practice of radiotelegraphy.
Louis, G4OJW
Louis Szondy- 12-08-17