Monsieur Jagadeesan VASINATHAN

Photo 662190
Domicilié à Liège (4020)
Né le mercredi 3 juin 1925
Décédé à Chênée (4032) le mardi 6 avril 2021 à l'âge de 95 ans
Epoux de Madame Christina NATHAN

Espace « condoléances » 

Cet espace condoléances a été créé le vendredi 9 avril 2021.

Les hommages

3 hommages (2 privés)  

Dear the Vasinathan family, our deepest condolences for your loss, he had a young outlook to life and was a very friendly and kind person. He had many talents and was extremely skilled even in his old age, his tales will be told for generations to come and his accomplishments have raised a bar that will be hard to reach. His company was enjoyed by everyone and brought joy into any room he was in, it will be a big loss and he will be watching over you all, filling knowledge and prosperity into each one of your lives. Rest in peace, Love from the Miranda family x

The Mirandas- 09-04-21