Monsieur Michel ROPP

Photo 845589
Resident at Hoenheim (67800, France)
Born in Denney (90160, France) on 25 March 1945
Died in Hoenheim (67800, France) on 22 October 2024 at the age of 79 years
Spouse of Madame Sabine ROPP
1 memory tree planted (226 kg of CO2 absorbed)  (22 October 2024)
I plant a memory tree
Espace condoléances (22 October 2024)

Resting place of the deceased, CENTRE FUNERAIRE
15 rue de l'Ill
67000 Strasbourg (France)

15 rue de l'Ill on Monday 28 October at 12 hours 30

67000 Strasbourg (France)

Dispersion of ashes

Urne remise à la famille

See also :