Madame Denise BILLEN

Photo 841482
Resident at Liège (4020)
Born on 21 August 1936
Died in Liège (4020) on 26 September 2024 at the age of 88 years
Spouse of Monsieur Sébastien LEMOINE
Memory tree (26 September 2024)
I plant a memory tree
Annonce nécrologique (26 September 2024)
Espace « condoléances » (26 September 2024)

Resting place of the deceased, Centre funéraire Dethier (Grivegnée)
rue de Herve 65
4030 Grivegnée

église Saint-Vincent of Liège on Wednesday 2 October at 13 hours 30

4020 Liège

The meeting

église Saint-Vincent at 13 hours 15

See also :