Monsieur André DELRUELLE

Photo 828966
Resident at Othée (4340)
Born in Othée (4340) on 05 April 1935
Died in Othée (4340) on 27 June 2024 at the age of 89 years
Spouse of Madame Marie-Claire GÉRARD
1 memory tree planted (226 kg of CO2 absorbed)  (28 June 2024)
I plant a memory tree
Annonce nécrologique (28 June 2024)
Espace « condoléances » (28 June 2024)

Resting place of the deceased, Rue de Lowaige 11 à Othée
Visits, 16 à 19 h, vendredi, samedi, dimanche et lundi

église Saints-Pierre et Paul of Othée today, Tuesday 2 July at 13 hours 30

4340 Othée

The meeting

à la maison mortuaire at 13 hours

cimetière d'Othée today, Tuesday 2 July at 14 hours 30

4340 Othée

See also :